One thing that seems to happen all the time when I travel is seeing people I’ve meet before in different places. A lot of the different times I've re-ran into people.
1) In New Orleans, I met a dready at Jazz fest. I ran into him again in Tompkins Square park, NYC. 2) I hopped freight trains to Georgia and ended up in Savannah with Len and Trigger, where we split up. I met Len in Tompkins SP a few months later when neither of us had plans on going. 3) I met Melissa in TSP and ran into her on the other side of the country in Berkeley, CA. 4) A boy from Switzerland gave me and my girlfriend at the time a ride from Keremos, BC to Abbitsford, BC. A few weeks later we saw him on the beach on Vancouver Island. 5) When I was in New Orleans and NYC, my Aunt happened to be there on business both times.
It happens all the time, all you have to do is put you're self out there.
and that one time I ran into you at the Gathering, both of us just getting in that day, and we hadn't spoken in like a year
knoxjimbo, at 7:38 PM
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